Motherly Instincts

Every May during my childhood, we would always purchase a plant for my mom for Mother’s Day. As I grew older, I found it ironic that the gift we chose for my mother was a living thing that required care and attention. Our mothers are responsible for teaching us so...
Marching Towards Spring

Marching Towards Spring

By Brittany Lauro The stillness of snow peeking through the window on an early Monday morning. A small glimpse of sunrise behind the thick musky clouds, no birds to make a peep. The warmth of a cup of coffee while bundled in layers of clothing to keep our feet in...
A Legacy of Community

A Legacy of Community

The Gosser Golf Course was named for Maj. Delbert L. Gosser, a member of the 531st Tactical Fighter Squadron. The pilot died on Jan. 5, 1962 after ejecting from his F-100 Super-Sabre just 10 minutes after take-off. He ejected safely just north of Misawa but later died...
Celebrating the New Year in Japan

Celebrating the New Year in Japan

New Year’s, or “shogatsu,” is the most important holiday in Japan and with it comes a fresh and hopeful start. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, but when in Japan, what do the Japanese do? Well, by December 31st, everything should be wrapped up. All work is complete...