FSS Video Request

Have a Question?
Call 226-9272

General Guidance

Marketing creates and edits videos for the purposes of promoting and advertising events of similar nature in the future. For Example: If there is a new annual event, Marketing may capture video this year for the purpose of cataloging it for future promotional purposes. However, Marketing DOES NOT provide live news coverage or event recaps. Recap requests should be made directly to PAO (35fw.pa@us.af.mil) or AFN (dma.misawa.afn.list.publicity@mail.mil) but please copy the Marketing office for awareness/coordination purposes.

Use a separate form for each program/event request. All information must be on the request when submitted.

If information is not filled out completely, either re-submittal will be required OR adjustments will be made on the requested due date based on when all vital information is received by Marketing.

Before submitting the request, please verify all information is correct.

Video Request Form


*Marketing DOES NOT provide live news coverage or event recaps. Please see above for details.*
If no, please provide video content directly to the Marketing & Publicity Office inside the Torii Building 656, Room 1435 or by email at misawa.marketing@gmail.com
Please allow 15 business days from the date recording begins
If you have specific design preferences, let us know here!


What should the video be about? What is the important message you would like to relay to your audience? Add any details you would like to have in the video. Please note registration deadlines, event start/end times, ages, prices, members/non-members and on sale dates, if applicable. The more details you provide, the better product we can make for you.
Please share any other details we should know.