Revitalizing Squadrons
“…the beating heart of the Air Force”
The Unite program empowers unit commanders to create new opportunities for recreational and cohesive activities to strengthen the bond between members within the unit. All assigned Air Force, Space Force Active Duty, Reserve, Active Guard and Civilian (appropriated and non-appropriated) as well as host-nation personnel (MLC/IHA) filling funded billets are authorized Unite funds. Unit commanders may authorize Unite funds to cover spouse and family member participation in approved Unite events. If funding is not provided, spouses and family members may still participate, but they must pay any associated fees.
Types of Events
01. Ready to Execute (RTE)
FSS already offers a variety of great programs that keep funds on the installation. These programs are the easiest plan to execute and should be considered first.
02. Unit Developed Program (UDP)
Squadron leaders are given the discretion to create UDPs that capitalize on opportunities available not only on the installation, but in the local area as well.
03. Free/Volunteer
Charitable work provides a cost effective team building activity that allows co-workers to see each other in a new light and to make a real difference in your community. Free events require no pre-approval unless UNITE funds are requested for food and/or refreshments.
Arts & Crafts
Get crafty and create a customized ceramic, wreath or canvas.
Take a taiko drum class or learn Japanese calligraphy.
- Driving Range
- 9-hole Tournaments
- Fling Golf
- Simulator
- Foot Golf
ODR Adventure Trips
Hiking, biking, kayaking, SUP, surf, beach parties, cultural tours and camping just to name a few!
ODR Paintball
Equipment rental, field fees and exclusive use of the Wild West Range.
Walmsley Bowling Center
Enjoy Mad Gmaes Monday and other options for your own bowling party challenges.
UNITE Program Request
Community Cohesion Coordinator
Community Commons
Bldg. 1006
DSN 226-9158
CELL 0176-77-9158